Summer holidays are a time to enjoy with friends and family. Children go out and have fun. What if the weather outside is bad? An indoor picnic can be a summer’s fun activity from our bucket list. It’s so much fun when moms give permission to break home rules for some hours and you have your besties with you. It’s fun to be at the comfort and cleanliness of home. No flies or mosquitoes or any other insect to disturb your mood. You have your mom to serve more in case of any shortage of food. Spread a blanket on the floor of your room, turn on some music and your picnic starts.
To make it look like an outdoor picnic why not improvise an outdoor setting with whatever props you have in hand
Food that you would like to have in your Indoor Picnic!
A whole gamut can be laid from popcorns to chips to chicken popcorns, cheese balls, sandwiches, pastas and what not. Why not try the recipes you cooked yesterday from the summer bucket list. Make some lemonade, cakes, pastries, milk shakes, cookies and all that you wish to eat and drink in a picnic
There are certain Do’s and Don’ts for a house picnic which if you follow, your moms will never say no to your indoor picnics ever.
About Global Internship Excursions and Leadership Training programs at SIRS: in order to instill the leadership quality and a worldwide exposure in students, they are sent for Global Immersion Program annually to USA, UK, Singapore, China and Dubai. The students and teachers together explore the cross- cultural style and management. SIRS also fosters virtual classes with other international schools worldwide by developing collaborative projects.
Students also undergo a rigorous leadership training program where they are trained on time management, they learn to prioritize, they learn by observation, fight fear and many other attributes of leadership.