Chilling out in a bed on a hot sunny day, wearing your pajamas, a remote with you the whole day, watching your favorite show, having your parents sitting next to you, enjoying what you watch, having giggles too.
Children love to spend their time with parents and so do the parents. When both the parents are working it becomes difficult for them to spare their time. It is essentially of utmost importance that parents give quality time to children especially when children are home from their boarding schools.
This generation of children are different and our society is losing this generation to the media and certain immoral things portrayed on it. Children find it very awkward these days to sit with parents as they feel there is a huge generation gap. At the same time if they sit together with parents to watch their favorite show they get to learn so many things and they can view the same contents in a different perspective. A study in Texas Tech University shows that there are positive effects on learning when parents watch TV alongside their child. While watching TV with their child physiological changes take place in the child’s body. The child exhibits more effort to learn from the program they are watching It is important to note that this can happen when both positive and negative content is being displayed on the TV, which is why monitoring the type of shows your child is watching is even more important. While watching alongside one need to understand the fact that what is the age group of the child for example, for a younger child the parent need to point out the learning tips from the show and for the adolescent, child and the parent could get into a healthy debate or a discussion over the show they may be watching together. It is imperative for parents to get involved completely. Below are some involvement tips for parents
Tips on being involved:
So children if parents want to spend time with you watching TV, it’s a golden opportunity, grab it and enjoy the time of togetherness.
Have a nice day!!! See you tomorrow with something new..!!
Stay tuned!!
Enhancing child-parent bonding at SIRS: School takes special care of children to make them feel at home and provide the exact atmosphere to bloom and flourish. Some counseling session are held for children who the school feels needs some extra care. Parents are constantly updated about the child’s academics and non-academic performance at the school. Children are guided in an appropriate way for balancing the emotional and mental state. There is a strong bond between the parents and the teachers who are persistently in touch with each other for the welfare of the child.