“Those who are nurtured best, survive best.” – Louis Cozolino,
SAI International Residential School participated in an online collaboration meeting between SAI International School and students of Shirakatsy Lyceum, Armenia on Friday, May 15, 2020. It was a cross-cultural collaborative learning with School from Armenia.
It was joined by His Excellency Armen Martirosyan, the Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia to India, Mr. Ashot Alikhanyan, Principal, Ms.Tatevik Nalbandyan, Head of High School, and Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, Founder SAI International Education Group . The discussion centred around the effects of COVID 19 on education.
Students shared their views on areas like, in what ways COVID 19 changed the means of education, how beneficial is online classes, Students did an activity, ‘It’s All in the Name’, where they wrote valuable messages related to COVID 19, starting with each alphabet of their name. They ended with teaching each other how to say goodbye in their local language. The teachers of all three Round Square Schools discussed taking up collaborative projects on reaching out to the poor. This meeting triggered SAI International’s collaboration with Schools from Armenia for a qualitative enhancement of education through collaborations.