SIRS student’s university outing

  • 11 Aug, 2018

“Encouragement of higher education for our youth is critical to the success of our collective future.” — Charles B. Rangel

How does it feel to enter a university? It’s altogether a different feeling to visit a university as a school student. August 11, 2018, the day started with an outing of the students and faculty of SAI International Residential School to Sri Sri University campus. The students of SIRS had a wonderful time exploring the university.  It was a friendly visit to the campus where students went around the campus and had a good time.

After the two hours visit to the university, students were rejuvenated and came back with joy. Being school students it was their first experience to visit a university campus and get the feel of higher education.

Students enjoyed the outing, the ambience and the feel of a university.
