SAI International Observes International Day of Persons with Disability

  • 23 Dec, 2020

“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” – Scott Hamilton

The International Day of persons with disabilities was observed in SAI International School with great spirit and reverence.

“Lets embrace differences & celebrate diversity” according to Dr Shruti Mohapatra, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Swabhiman. The leading crusader for disability rights, Dr. Sruti Mohapatra’s relentless struggle and never-say-die-attitude have been a source of huge inspiration for all those who are facing discrimination delivered an enlightening and encouraged  equity and equality to be maintained with all.

The day was observed virtually in which almost 450 participants from SAI International School ,SAI International Residential school and 18 schools from the Round Square schools from across the world like Japan, India,Srilanka,Bangla Desh,UAE and Uganda who participated with equal enthusiasm.

The Day was meticulously planned by the students of Going Global club, Interact club and the students of SIRS and also hosted entirely by the student organizers. The Chief Guest of the event was Dr Shruti Mohapatra, Inclusive expert and the founder of Swabhiman and the key note speaker was Dr Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, founder and mentor of SAI International Education group.

A wonderful quiz session was conducted by Asif Momin, consultant from Swabhiman in which students from SAI and Round square schools participated with great interest. The last part of the event was packed with activities like drawing without using hands, learning sign languages etc and also a christmas celebration with the appearance of Santa Claus, to conclude the event with a happy note.

Dr Shruti Mohapatra presented a very informative yet touching presentation which touched every heart. She spoke about the importance of people with disabilities across the world and shared how they are at par with any normal person. She showed some short videos to prove that these special people can be far better than any person without any impairment.

We are often arrested by our individual attitudinal disability, which dissuades us from acknowledging the needs of another. The truth is we must be sensitized to welcome persons with disabilities as a differentently person and across schools, institutes, government forums, offices It is not sympathy, rather empathy with mindfulness with right attitudinal change, empathy can be created. She speaks passionately as she describes how inclusive education should be a prime focus for schools.

The Key note Speaker Dr Bijaya Kumar Sahoo said that disabilities could be in body or mind. Through a video he emphasized that many people have disabilities in their minds, attitudes which is very harmful to the nation and humanity in specific. Dr Sahoo asked the students if we should sympathise on the persons having impairments or create opportunities for them. He expressed his satisfaction on the attitudes of the Saioneers who are very positive towards the children who are less privileged or disabled. He also said that It is not celebrating disabilities but understanding it. Everyone should do something which will make you proud by giving opportunities and including people with impairments as your equal .Create awareness and even force everyone including the media and the Government to extend opportunities to these special people.

The question and answer session with Dr Shruti Mohapatra was also interesting with very relevant and pertinent questions from the student participants  to which Dr Mohapatra answered with ease and her happy smiles.

“Disability of mind is worse than disability of body.”, according to Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, Founder and Mentor, SAI International Education Group. He added, let us not advocate conscious disability, force and ensure government, media to create opportunities for persons with disabilities.
