Online Grandparents Day Celebrations 2020

  • 13 Oct, 2020

“A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.” – Unknown

Online Grandparents day was celebrated on Saturday, October 10, 2020 as an initiative to rouse a sublime yet warm bond between the gen-next and the old, Grandparents day was celebrated on virtual platform with quite enthusiastic participation from students, their Grandparents and teachers. Following an introductory address, student-  participants were invited to present and perform their contents. While PPTs, poems, speeches led the host of activities, contents evoked reminiscence among the audience.

Presence of some Grandparents beside the students made the ambience lively; pleasantries were exchanged between hosts and the guests. Some students made quite brilliant efforts to connect to their Grandparents virtually and link them to the ongoing celebrations. In the course, their successful attempts to make the old generation tech-savvy was noteworthy.

Some of the SAIoneers made videos of their Grandparents- at- work which added colours to the event. On the whole, students recalling the contributions of their Grandparents and the values learnt were evidential of our students still being sensitive to their responsibilities despite generation gaps. Moreover, the event affirmed our parents’ and guardians’ gratitude for SAI’S noble efforts.
