SAI International School hosted a SPIC MACAY program on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. The Globally acclaimed artist Ustad Mohibahauddin Dagar presented his lecture demonstration for the students of SIS and SIRS on his exclusive instrument, the Rudra Veena.

SAI International, as a team strongly believes that young beacons must nurture their in-born talents, strengths and capacities. The participants had an opportunity to fill their senses with Rudra Veena renditions, rafting warmly with itsmellifluous, delightful, depiction of focal fluency and instrumental technique. Anciently rooted in mystical strings, the Rudra Veena evolves to merge into many variations as lutes, zithers and arched harps. It invokes slow, majestic, Sounds of Siva, presenting the groan of the early Universe and throes of death. Noteworthy, Ustadji patiently interacted with the participants and explained how Rudra Veena was an instrument as ‘Yantra’. Typically, that measures the notes in the Raga. It was old world musicians, who would strum the Rudra Veena to measure ‘Multani’, ‘Pancham’ and to identify the ‘SwaraSthana’. He explained further how the ‘Rasa’ was ‘Anubhuti’ that typically captured happiness, sadness, grief often encapsulating the mindset of the musician playing the Veena.

An unreal, divine concert ended so did the breath-taking experience of being able to listen to the beautiful music created by Ustadji. Every year the school has been deeply involved in musical engagement with SPIC MACAY to bring in a positive impact on the social and emotional needs of the young children. The focus has been arranging events that further strengthen the holistic development of the children. As time passes, we must consciously endeavour to remain connected with our ancient roots in our highly cultured homeland. The Veena thrill of the evening was a testimony of unyielding and sincere efforts, to equip children with the ability to nurture the cultural skills, to make worthwhile soulful contributions to the world.

Ustad MohiBahauddin Dagar was born into the illustrious Dagar family of Dhrupad musicians in 1970, MohiBaha’ud-din first began his foray into Indian Classical Music at the early age of seven, training on the Sitar under the expert tutelage of his mother, Smt. Pramila Dagar. A cross-platform performer, he has made regular appearances on television and radio networks. His music has been recorded by Music Today (India), Makars (France), Ragini Sutra (India), Sense World (London), and India Music Archives (USA).

The school is privileged to be associated with SPIC MACAY for many years and has been graced to have hosted many globally acclaimed artists in the past. The nostalgic memories to be blessed by the divinely empowered musical maestros, while hosting the over-night program Yamini in the school in association and inspiration with SPIC MACAY, left a positive and enriching effect in the life of the SAIoneers.
