On 9th April 2024, young SAIoneers enthusiastically participated in the inaugural Round Square Worldwide Show and Tell event. This groundbreaking session unfolded on Zoom, featuring 8-10-year-old students from 18 schools spanning Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Kenya, and the USA. The theme for this engaging exchange was 'Introducing our Schools.'
With the Spirit of Adventure guiding them, our young participants showcased their schools through concise 2-minute single-slide presentations. This platform not only honed their teamwork and communication skills but also tested their courage as they spoke before an international audience. The event concluded with an interactive Q & A session, where our students' curiosity shone brightly.
The young SAIoneers left a lasting impression, impressively presenting themselves and forging connections with peers from around the world. This experience not only broadened their global perspective but also nurtured their confidence and curiosity, paving the way for future collaborative endeavors on an international scale.