As part of the Founder’s Memorial Series, the Junior and senior schools observed World Environmental Health Day on 26th September 2024. The day’s theme, “Healthy Environments for a Healthy Future,” emphasized the critical connection between the environment and human health. The senior school assembly, led by Ananya Ma’am’s mentees, featured powerful presentations and creative posters. These posters visually conveyed the impact of pollution, contrasting images of thriving nature with polluted landscapes. One poster depicted a healthy, green environment juxtaposed with a polluted side, while another portrayed a symbolic image of Mother Earth suffering from environmental degradation. The presentations highlighted small but impactful actions such as reducing waste and conserving energy, urging students to practice environmental stewardship. Meanwhile, the junior school, under the guidance of Snehasis Sir’s mentees, focused on sustainability. Students discussed the importance of balancing human activities with environmental preservation and shared key messages through speeches and discussions. Both assemblies concluded with inspiring calls to action, encouraging the students to actively contribute to protecting the environment and ensuring a healthier future for all.