“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” — Carlton Fisk
What after class X? Which stream to be chosen, Science with Maths or Biology, Humanities or Commerce? Children are all confused. At SIRS a career counselling is conducted for Xth grade students to make things smooth and simple for them, as they are on the threshold of deciding upon their career paths.
A career counselling session was held for the Xth grade students of SIRS on how School can be useful for the next two years. They were guided upon how to use the powerful career information tools such as BridgeU for information on various entrance exams, NCERT solutions and Scholarships. Students were also guided on Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), about entrance, application and abroad universities. They were also explained in detail, how to build their profiles to apply in universities abroad.