Summer holidays bucket list day three Sibling care

  • 16 May, 2018

The relationship between siblings is special and it is blessed by God. Siblings have a special bond as they share the same family, the same home and the same childhood. Even when years pass, they stay a reminder of happy and carefree days for each other. So during this summer break children you must take care and spend time with your little/elder brothers and sisters; play, love, fight and study with them.

What you learn out of this:

  • Instill value of love, responsibility, and happiness.
  • Develop communication, problem solving skills and conflict resolution.
  • Learning about one’s own and your sibling’s safety when parents are not around.
  • Inculcating a sense of equality and respecting differences too
  • Building a sense of sharing and compassion.

Have fun children!!! See you tomorrow with a new activity!!!

Value Education at SIRS: Value based education creates a strong environment that enhances academic achievement and develops a students’ social relationship skills and make a responsible citizen out of them. In the pursuit of imparting holistic education to students SIRS pioneers to build a nation of sane individuals in the long run.

Students are even exposed to the spiritual side of growing the way it is instilled at home, by the Spirituality Centre, the purpose of this centre is:

  • Inculcating moral values and ethics in a child
  • They are exposed to the soul awakening, meditation and yoga for well being
  • Good habits and etiquette are also infused in a child through regular inputs by experts.

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