SAI Cambridge Festival of Expressions- The Expressions Studio

  • 13 May, 2021

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” – Margaret Fuller

The SAI Cambridge interactive session for Festival of Expressions was conducted on May 12, 2021 in “The Expressions Studio”, by Mr. Simon Lind to encourage the students to read and express. Mr. Lind from England, UK is a Senior International Education Advisor, Consultant and Trainer with Cambridge Learning for Schools, a division of Cambridge University Press. Mr. Lind has been involved in the education business for nearly 40 years and while he continues to learn and put learning at the heart of everything he does, he now, with Cambridge University Press and Assessment, derives great satisfaction from sharing his learning and experience with teachers and schools around the world.

He focused on reading strategies presented in a way to appeal to students, which will help the students to apply for the Festival of Expressions and in their lives at large. The session focused on developing reading skills and identifying and responding to inequalities in various text types.

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What is Festival of Expressions?

Festival of Expressions is a 20 days reading and expressing program with a plenty of scope for the students to express their ideas and opinions after reading a variety of reading materials. The Festival is in collaboration with Cambridge University Press. The Festival was launched on May 1, 2021 for the students of Classes I to IX. Students will submit their expressions either in an audio/video or written form. The theme of the program is –Reading and communication, the 21st Century Skills, and SDG-10 ‘Reduced inequalities

Mr. Lind addressed to the queries of the students  in the interactive Expressions Studio such as Rishab Pandey of Class III asked Mr Lind, “How can this Read for Change benefit small kids like me who are in grade 2 or 3?” to which Mr. Lind explained the benefits of reading and writing.  While Tarun Tapan Bhuyan of Class VIII from SAI International School asked if it is necessary that with the use of complex words and sentences in a piece of information can it sound professional and well-informed? To which Mr. Lind very well explained the real meaning of professional writing and communication.

SAIoneer Adeek Nanda of Class IX from SAI International Residential School asked him “As an experienced reader, which book would you recommend a child of my age to read, to ensure stepping into the real world firmly?” For which Mr. Lind suggested a few books he read as a teen.
