No Growth without Struggle

  • 31 Oct, 2018

Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.  – Napoleon Hill

Life is not easy to live, but the opportunity to do so is a blessing beyond comprehension. Struggle is a part of the process called life. With struggle comes experience to live in a better way.

The Dhavaja house teachers of SAI International Residential School conducted a session on the theme ‘Struggle’. The teachers conveyed the message that everything in life cannot be controlled but one can definitely work towards making the temptations, trials, and tribulations as a learning and experience to help in dealing with life in a better way. Struggles are a part and parcel of life one should not sulk but fight it out. Teachers brought out the message beautifully through an inspirational video they emphasized on the fact that struggles in life are the stepping stone of progress.

Children got a good insight on how to fight out the problematic situation of life.
