“Little by little, bit by bit, family by family, so much can be done at so many levels.” — Elinorm Ostrom
What it is to be without a home and parents, the pain of being an orphan can never be understood or felt by those who are blessed with families. There are thousands of children who are abandoned by their parents and left on the road sides every day. A very touching session on Orphanage-Need of Helping Hand was held by the Chakra House students of SAI International Residential School on January 18, 2019.
The students enacted a short dance drama on how the children abandoned by parents, relatives and society at large find difficult to lead a normal life, long for love and care. It was a thought arousing and a touching piece put up by them. The dance drama was appreciated by the students and teachers. They also presented a video on the orphanages.
Such a theme left the students thinking; how ‘blessed’ they are.